'School of Authors' is a website from Media Education Research Journal Comunicar, indexed in main international data bases, that complements other websites in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It is written and edited, basically, by the Editorial Board of 'Comunicar' and it aims to offer different sources, for manuscript submissions in scientific journals in a planned and strategic manner. It is intended to make authors think about scientific information management for publishing scientific manuscripts in high impact journals.
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Blog Authors
Recent posts
- What is behind a scientific journal? The process of publishing an article
- Methods, instruments and data collection
- Construction of the theoretical framework, state of the art
- Abstract
- SEO in Science: Keywords and Thesaurus
- The importance of reading
- Impacto, métricas en las revistas
- What is a scientific article/Structure?
- The importance of disseminating our research
- Publishing (in) books: Typologies and principles of editorial quality
- What does it mean to publish in a scientific journal?
- The JCR is not what it used to be: Towards a new JCR that is more universal and, at the same time, selective
- Visibility and impact of our research: Publons, Scopus and Google Scholar Metrics.
- How to answer to reviewers’ requests?
- The scientific review. What do the reviewers look at?
- How to write a highly citable article
- Scientific dissemination of research: Communications at conferences and congresses
- Making a new submission: The first phase of a publication
- Affinity between scientific journals
- Duplicity of information
- A good article to publish
- Why is my article not appearing in Google Scholar?
- Manuscript rejection: A problem or an opportunity?
- A controversial issue: the order of authorship
- ORCID: identification for researchers
- To pay or not to pay to publish. Is this the dilemma?
- What to do when an article is rejected?
- Why is your APA not the same? Reference standards among scientific publications
- Review Results
- Publons
- Choosing the journal to publish an article
- Factors that influence the frequency of citation of an article
- Support: Funding agencies and calls for proposals
- Primary and secondary sources – why not to abuse of them?
- Cohesion and coherence in the scientific article
- Where to begin writing?
- How to write an abstract for a scientific publication
- English: The Language of Science
- Published the JCR-2019 ranking: ‘Comunicar’ consolidates its Q1
- Why report the effect size?
- Published the new SCOPUS-2019: ‘Comunicar’, undisputed leader among Hispanic journals
- SJR-2019 published: ‘Comunicar’ consolidates Q1 leadership
- Some clues to select the journal to which send our article
- Tips for including figures and tables in a manuscript
- Selecting the right research method
- Programs to create scientific images and figures
- From the birth of the idea to the publication of the article: the process.
- Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter… other readings for knowledge
- The citation as an indicator of quality
- Reasons not to abuse of tables and figures
- How to write a good review of scientific literature?
- Pandemic of research on the coronavirus. Opportunity and risk for authors
- APA Manual 7: Comunicar version
- Statistical data presentation in APA Style 7th Edition
- Eight reasons why articles are accepted (or not accepted)
- References as quality criteria of an article
- Authorship: How many people sign, who and in what order?
- The importance of the section âMaterials and methodsâ in scientific articles
- The structure and process of a good review
- The processes of academic selection of the manuscript by a scientific journal
- How to publish a good article and not die trying?
- How to identify a meaningful research question?
- The cover letter. Present and publish a manuscript
- Benefits of publishing open data from research
- Structure of a research paper: Tips to improve your manuscript
- Writing a good research tittle: Mistakes that should be avoided.
- Is there a writing style of the selected journal?
- âComunicarâ available on Researcher App
- Why and what for should we publish?
- How to cite several authors in APA format?
- 5 keys to improve your scientific writing: Importance of punctuation
- The 10 most frequent causes of dismissal of a manuscript
- Coherence and balance in the manuscript
- Checklist: error checking. The last step before sending the article to the journal
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association APA, (Seventh Edition) 2020
- A key to scientific quality: The list of references
- Reports and services of emerging scientific trends: Essential Science Indicators (from WoS) and SciVal (from Elsevier)
- Is it necessary to put yourself in the place of the reader?
- âComunicarâ is consolidated in JCRR- 2018 as the best Social Sciences journal from Spain and among the 10 best in the world
- REDIB 2018: The best Latin American indexed journals: âComunicarâ the best positioned
- In-Cites and Dialnet Metrics. Two products that “rank” communities. The case of Communication
- Dialnet Metrics: A new way of evaluating the scientific prestige of the journals in Spanish
- Doctoral works published in Institutional Repositories. Plagiarism in journals?
- Writing paragraphs. Three useful tips
- The importance of âbringing to lightâ, instead of hiding, the unexpected or anomalous results
- Future research. Why is prospective important in scientific articles?
- The image of the results also matters
- The “ritual phrases” Do we abuse of them in scientific articles?
- What is and what is not a scientific article?
- Some advice to increase the number of citations to our publications
- The visibility of articles: presence of journals in international databases
- Manuscript edition in English
- Simple review or blind peers
- Online magazines, printed … global?
- The correct use of quotation marks in academic writing
- Creative Commons. Licenses for the open diffusion of the science
- The diffussion of competitive projects on scientific articles
- CiteScore: percentiles
- The biographical note
- International co-authorships
- The importance of making a good discussion
- Choosing a publication of quality
- Thesaurus: Keywords
- Cover letter: the first step to publish your work
- REDIB, the first ranking of quality in latin American journals
- What does Academia Premium offer to the academic?
- The indexed ESCI journals, a new reference for editors and authors
- Emerging themes. A source of inspiration for research
- Correspondence with the editors
- The sources of information and its evaluation
- FundRef/Crosscheck/SimilarityCheck/CrossTech
- International editions, the worldwide visibility of the journals.
- All the possible readings. Formats and appearance
- RefWorks vs. EndNote
- Quality criteria in the publications
- Indexations
- The meta-labels, describing electronic documents
- Call for Papers
- The peer review process
- Consortium Journals
- The Q1, the excellence for antonomasia
- Immediacy factor: Eigenfactor
- Alternative metrics: ALM
- Types of articles
- How to cite references in the text?
- Key ideas: To highlight the value of the research
- Google Scholar Metrics (GSM)
- The value of âcommunicatingâ to society. How to strengthen the impact of a preprint?
- Search for topics and other descriptors in Scopus/WoS
- Reference managers
- Preprint / Postprint
- Keywords
- Scientific social networks: Academia.edu
- Promotion of research in social networks
- Impact factor, a scientific indicator to measure scientific journals
- The thorny issue of self-citing
- Open Access
- H, H5, G, i, i5
- International presence
- Main types of limitations
- The importance of the languages of scientific publications
- Policy of reviewers
- Rates of acceptance and rejection
- Importance of expressing study limitations
- Ensure an anonymous document
- School of authors
- WOS and SCOPUS: The great allies of every researcher
- Wolf in sheep’s clothing- Fraudulent journals
- Peer friends
- Shipping protocols: checklist
- Theme, range, approach, focus, aims and scope. The heart of a journal
- Scientific social networks: Research Gate
- Four keys to a good state of affairs
- Quality of the references
- Fraudulent and false metric indexes. A scam for publishers and authors
- A good article with sequels. An example to follow
- Endogamy
- The identifiers of author, journal and article: ORCID, ISSN and DOI
- Plagiarism, antiplagiarism and selfplagiarism
- To pay or not to pay for publishing
- Transparency and honesty: the ethical code of scientific journals
- The revision process and the reviewers protocol
- Standardization of authors: ORCID
- International visibility: getting to know how to connect and disseminate a scientific contribution
- Relevance, originality and anonymity. Coordinates for the publication
- The key: the reviewers
- The prior checking
- Standards, standards, standards
- Selecting journals to publish…
- The access to scientific information. The Navigator’s Compass
- The writing of the abstract: the art of focusing
- Read: The first task
- Scientific writing: accuracy, clarity and brevity
- APA standards and cite system with DOI
- A good title says it all
- The School of Authors of Comunicar: clues to publish in scientific journals