Author: Águeda Delgado-Ponce – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion
Blog Authors
Recent posts
- What is behind a scientific journal? The process of publishing an article
- Methods, instruments and data collection
- Construction of the theoretical framework, state of the art
- Abstract
- SEO in Science: Keywords and Thesaurus
- The importance of reading
- Impacto, métricas en las revistas
- What is a scientific article/Structure?
- The importance of disseminating our research
- Publishing (in) books: Typologies and principles of editorial quality
- What does it mean to publish in a scientific journal?
- The JCR is not what it used to be: Towards a new JCR that is more universal and, at the same time, selective
- Visibility and impact of our research: Publons, Scopus and Google Scholar Metrics.
- How to answer to reviewers’ requests?
- The scientific review. What do the reviewers look at?
- How to write a highly citable article
- Scientific dissemination of research: Communications at conferences and congresses
- Making a new submission: The first phase of a publication
- Affinity between scientific journals
- Duplicity of information
- A good article to publish
- Why is my article not appearing in Google Scholar?
- Manuscript rejection: A problem or an opportunity?
- A controversial issue: the order of authorship
- ORCID: identification for researchers
- To pay or not to pay to publish. Is this the dilemma?
- What to do when an article is rejected?
- Why is your APA not the same? Reference standards among scientific publications
- Review Results
- Publons
- Choosing the journal to publish an article
- Factors that influence the frequency of citation of an article
- Support: Funding agencies and calls for proposals
- Primary and secondary sources – why not to abuse of them?
- Cohesion and coherence in the scientific article
- Where to begin writing?
- How to write an abstract for a scientific publication
- English: The Language of Science
- Published the JCR-2019 ranking: ‘Comunicar’ consolidates its Q1
- Why report the effect size?
- Published the new SCOPUS-2019: ‘Comunicar’, undisputed leader among Hispanic journals
- SJR-2019 published: ‘Comunicar’ consolidates Q1 leadership
- Some clues to select the journal to which send our article
- Tips for including figures and tables in a manuscript
- Selecting the right research method
- Programs to create scientific images and figures
- From the birth of the idea to the publication of the article: the process.
- Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter… other readings for knowledge
- The citation as an indicator of quality
- Reasons not to abuse of tables and figures
- How to write a good review of scientific literature?
- Pandemic of research on the coronavirus. Opportunity and risk for authors
- APA Manual 7: Comunicar version
- Statistical data presentation in APA Style 7th Edition
- Eight reasons why articles are accepted (or not accepted)
- References as quality criteria of an article
- Authorship: How many people sign, who and in what order?
- The importance of the section “Materials and methods” in scientific articles
- The structure and process of a good review
- The processes of academic selection of the manuscript by a scientific journal
- How to publish a good article and not die trying?
- How to identify a meaningful research question?
- The cover letter. Present and publish a manuscript
- Benefits of publishing open data from research
- Structure of a research paper: Tips to improve your manuscript
- Writing a good research tittle: Mistakes that should be avoided.
- Is there a writing style of the selected journal?
- ‘Comunicar’ available on Researcher App
- Why and what for should we publish?
- How to cite several authors in APA format?
- 5 keys to improve your scientific writing: Importance of punctuation
- The 10 most frequent causes of dismissal of a manuscript
- Coherence and balance in the manuscript
- Checklist: error checking. The last step before sending the article to the journal
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association APA, (Seventh Edition) 2020
- A key to scientific quality: The list of references
- Reports and services of emerging scientific trends: Essential Science Indicators (from WoS) and SciVal (from Elsevier)
- Is it necessary to put yourself in the place of the reader?
- ‘Comunicar’ is consolidated in JCRR- 2018 as the best Social Sciences journal from Spain and among the 10 best in the world
- REDIB 2018: The best Latin American indexed journals: ‘Comunicar’ the best positioned
- In-Cites and Dialnet Metrics. Two products that «rank» communities. The case of Communication
- Dialnet Metrics: A new way of evaluating the scientific prestige of the journals in Spanish
- Doctoral works published in Institutional Repositories. Plagiarism in journals?
- Writing paragraphs. Three useful tips
- The importance of “bringing to light”, instead of hiding, the unexpected or anomalous results
- Future research. Why is prospective important in scientific articles?
- The image of the results also matters
- The «ritual phrases» Do we abuse of them in scientific articles?
- What is and what is not a scientific article?
- Some advice to increase the number of citations to our publications
- The visibility of articles: presence of journals in international databases
- Manuscript edition in English
- Simple review or blind peers
- Online magazines, printed … global?
- The correct use of quotation marks in academic writing
- Creative Commons. Licenses for the open diffusion of the science
- The diffussion of competitive projects on scientific articles
- CiteScore: percentiles
- The biographical note
- International co-authorships
- The importance of making a good discussion
- Choosing a publication of quality
- Thesaurus: Keywords
- Cover letter: the first step to publish your work
- REDIB, the first ranking of quality in latin American journals
- What does Academia Premium offer to the academic?
- The indexed ESCI journals, a new reference for editors and authors
- Emerging themes. A source of inspiration for research
- Correspondence with the editors
- The sources of information and its evaluation
- FundRef/Crosscheck/SimilarityCheck/CrossTech
- International editions, the worldwide visibility of the journals.
- All the possible readings. Formats and appearance
- RefWorks vs. EndNote
- Quality criteria in the publications
- Indexations
- The meta-labels, describing electronic documents
- Call for Papers
- The peer review process
- Consortium Journals
- The Q1, the excellence for antonomasia
- Immediacy factor: Eigenfactor
- Alternative metrics: ALM
- Types of articles
- How to cite references in the text?
- Key ideas: To highlight the value of the research
- Google Scholar Metrics (GSM)
- The value of “communicating” to society. How to strengthen the impact of a preprint?
- Search for topics and other descriptors in Scopus/WoS
- Reference managers
- Preprint / Postprint
- Keywords
- Scientific social networks:
- Promotion of research in social networks
- Impact factor, a scientific indicator to measure scientific journals
- The thorny issue of self-citing
- Open Access
- H, H5, G, i, i5
- International presence
- Main types of limitations
- The importance of the languages of scientific publications
- Policy of reviewers
- Rates of acceptance and rejection
- Importance of expressing study limitations
- Ensure an anonymous document
- School of authors
- WOS and SCOPUS: The great allies of every researcher
- Wolf in sheep’s clothing- Fraudulent journals
- Peer friends
- Shipping protocols: checklist
- Theme, range, approach, focus, aims and scope. The heart of a journal
- Scientific social networks: Research Gate
- Four keys to a good state of affairs
- Quality of the references
- Fraudulent and false metric indexes. A scam for publishers and authors
- A good article with sequels. An example to follow
- Endogamy
- The identifiers of author, journal and article: ORCID, ISSN and DOI
- Plagiarism, antiplagiarism and selfplagiarism
- To pay or not to pay for publishing
- Transparency and honesty: the ethical code of scientific journals
- The revision process and the reviewers protocol
- Standardization of authors: ORCID
- International visibility: getting to know how to connect and disseminate a scientific contribution
- Relevance, originality and anonymity. Coordinates for the publication
- The key: the reviewers
- The prior checking
- Standards, standards, standards
- Selecting journals to publish…
- The access to scientific information. The Navigator’s Compass
- The writing of the abstract: the art of focusing
- Read: The first task
- Scientific writing: accuracy, clarity and brevity
- APA standards and cite system with DOI
- A good title says it all
- The School of Authors of Comunicar: clues to publish in scientific journals