Author: Amor Pérez-Rodríguez – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion
A scientific journal is the channel, by excellence, for the dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge, in the form of results, advances and research findings. Therefore, they are the reference space in which the novelties and updates of any discipline can be found, contributing to the development of the scientific discourse or narrative, as well as to the conformation of the state of the art of the field. Thus, people who investigate or research in the different niches of knowledge have in them the ideal resource to define and delimit their research path.
A publication that claims to be scientific requires an operational structure, an adequate format, prestige and reputation for the soundness of its publications, and transparent and clear regulations, based on a commitment to the rigor and ethics of the intellectual exercise. Nowadays, most scientific publications have opted for an electronic format, in which it is quite easy to recognize the quality of the publication and its rigorousness in terms of content, human resources, processes, deadlines, impact and visibility of the papers that are accepted.

When we consider publishing a paper in a scientific journal, we must choose well where we will do it. This decision is complex, but it helps a lot the reading culture. Getting to know the field of study and often reading journals in the field, considering the contributions that follow one after the other, the most cited articles, new topics, discussions, etc. places us in the universe of publications and their protocols. And, consequently, it shows us the main publications and what they demand or disseminate.

One of the keys to publication is the consideration of the topic, the research method used, and the object of the study or approach. In this way, it is relatively easy to decide where to publish if we consider the objectives and scope of the journal to which we intend to submit. It is usually very clear in the structure of the journal. Not paying attention to it is one of the main causes of rejection of an article, giving a view that the submitter does not know the journal or has not taken its focus and identity very seriously.

In the process of getting to know the scientific journal, it is also essential to take into account the regulations, which can be a relevant indicator to decide whether a good choice has been made. Aspects related to authorship, affiliation, manuscript length, formal requirements, citation rules, how to treat figures and graphs, abstract, keywords, among others, are not minor issues. Many articles are rejected because they have not complied with these requirements, which are easy to estimate, if they are previously known and their compliance is checked.

In order to publish in a scientific journal, it is necessary to start with an honesty exercise regarding the level of the manuscript to be submitted. In recent years, the pressure to publish in high impact journals has generated many situations that have nothing to do with the spirit of science and quality publication. Hence, the consideration of impact, legitimate in any case, should be taken into account once the structure and scope of the chosen journal, its regulations, requirements, and logically the level of the publishable text have been analyzed.