Author: Ángel Torres – Translation: Erika-Lucia Gonzalez-Carrion
In the current academic environment it is evident the systematization of registration patterns based on an international codification that facilitates the identification, diffusion and revision of knowledge. For this, there are reference identifiers such as ORCID for authors, ISSN for journals and DOI for articles. Therefore, the relevance that these identifiers are reaching in the filiation, control, transmission and expansion of the research coming from the academic community, it is interesting to know them in depth.
Conceptually, ORCID ( is an open platform that allows the registration of researchers, ISSN ( is an acronym that represents scientific journals and serial collections, and DOI (Https:// subscribes to specific digital documents published, among others, articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings, technical reports, book chapters and doctoral theses. [Read more…]
In the first place, ORCID could be understood as the number of a researcher’s passport, thus remaining in the course of his or her academic career. The account access in ORCID has two generic limitations of use: children under 18 can not create an account, and any indication of marketing through the platform is also prohibited. On the other hand, among the main advantages of being subscribed to this platform are:
Obtain ORCID ID: The name of the author is not sufficient for identification, for example: Juan Pérez-Martínez, J. Pérez-Martínez, Juan P. Martínez, is the same person because it responds to the same identifier number. That is, despite variations in the name, research papers remain associated with the 16 digits of the ORCID ID.
Visibility of research: By connecting nearly 3,000,000 researchers around the world, the platform facilitates the recognition of academic contributions, providing new opportunities for contact among experts from the same area.
The ISSN “International Standard Serial Number” is an 8-digit coded system that serves as a bibliographic tool for students, librarians and researchers, focusing on simplifying the task of searching for users, cataloging standardized material and reducing distribution and subscription processes . It should be mentioned that the printed ISSN differs from the electronic ISSN (e-ISSN) of the same series. For example:
The ISSN is endorsed in more than 60 countries with specialized centers in each of them, including Spain and Latin America where a unique and irreplaceable number is officially assigned to magazines and serial collections. Although there is the possibility of issuing changes regarding the editorial, format, publication frequency, country of origin and edition, they do not affect the attributed ISSN, in the meantime the title is not modified. That is, if the Scientific Journal begins to be edited from Colombia and instead of publishing quarterly becomes bimonthly, but retains the same title, can maintain the same ISSN.
The DOI “Digital Object Identifier” is the fingerprint of the scientific documents referred to above. Its permanent and unique character is a guarantee for researchers. It is mainly used to locate documents that are in digital format and to find information correlated with the research. In other words, DOI increases the visibility, access and citation of scientific publications, crosses and improves communication between repertoires, databases and computer systems, and ensures the intellectual property of works. The sixth edition of APA (American Psychological Association) is the only one that requires the inclusion of DOI in bibliographical references:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (date of publication). Article title. Title of the scientific journal, volume (number), page range. Doi: 0000000/000000000000 or
Aguaded, I., & Romero-Rodríguez, L.M. (2015): Mediamorfosis and disinformation in the info-sphere: Media literacy, digital and informational changes in habits of information consumption. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 16, 44-57. Doi:
Its allocation is determined by the Agency Crossref, which is responsible for providing the services of deposit and consultation of the DOI ordering the search according to the type, editorial, category, relevance and year of publication. At present it is estimated that approximately 80 million documents are registered in Crossref with its respective DOI.